Ohio middle school honors veterans by planting DAV Field of Flags
On Veterans Day in 2022, Hopewell Junior School embraced its chance to salute the 16.5 million veterans of our nation’s armed forces. In doing so, Hopewell students and faculty were among the first to pilot a national initiative to honor and support veterans forever changed in war.
Led by DAV (Disabled American Veterans), the program is called “Field of Flags.” Students participated in a unique service learning opportunity that builds on classroom learning about American veterans and Veterans Day.
“I am always looking for community service opportunities for our student council,” said Hopewell history teacher and student council advisor Tracey Parks. “I brought up ‘Field of Flags’ and they embraced it 100%. Many of them have family members who have served or currently serve in the military.”
Parks immediately went to work with her students to brainstorm ways to promote the program. Field of Flags invites individuals to donate just $10 to sponsor a single outdoor planted flag. Each flag represents a veteran and our unwavering commitment to serving all veterans who have sacrificed so much for our country.
DAV provides schools with easy, turn-key tools to make the event as seamless as possible. Once signed up, schools can access ready-made content like emails, social media, newsletters, etc. By requesting our Field of Flags kit, schools can use the collection pail for donations and stickers to thank donors on-site.
Hopewell students took advantage of their communication channels by promoting it during the morning announcements, home football games, the first band concert of the season and other in-person school events. With the money raised at these events and online donations, Hopewell raised over $1,500 to plant 150 flags for veterans on the school’s front lawn.
“It’s important to not turn our backs on people who have done so much for us,” reflected Hopewell 8th-grader Delaney F., adding that the project was meaningful to her as someone who had lost her grandfather in combat.
“We would write letters before, but this allows us to truly change people’s lives,” added 8th-grader Sara M.
“I am very proud of their efforts. As a 12- or 13-year-old, I would not have had the self-assurance to solicit donations,” Parks said of her students who had to approach families, explain the role of DAV and ask for donations to help reach their goal.
Would you like to host a Field of Flags at your school in 2023? Sign up now!
Visit our website today to learn how to plant your Field of Flags.