Mission News Blog


Tap into multiple tax deduction benefits through a real estate donation to veterans instead of dealing with the headache of hefty taxes that comes with selling your property.  From bypassing capital gains tax to increasing your retirement income, you have a lot to gain by
Since 1920, DAV has been a large part of “tikkun olam” (Hebrew for the Jewish value of repairing the world) by answering the call to care and advocate for wounded veterans and their families.  Yet when veterans become homeless, they can lose all sense of respect and dignity, as others often do not recognize the rocky p...
What is Military Sexual Trauma? Military Sexual Trauma (MST) refers to a service member’s experience with sexual assault or sexual harassment occurring at any point during his or her military service. The first time DAV benefits advocate Naomi Mathis saw Army veteran Migdalia Griswold’s...
Army veteran Mark Nehls served his country while stationed at Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras. He was assigned to the 555th Military Police Company. After Mark’s discharge from the military, he received help from a couple of DAV benefits advocates in filing his benefits claim. That’s when Mark decided to join DAV.
Army veteran and DAV member Alex Hussey was severely disabled after stepping on an improvised explosive device in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on Aug. 7, 2012. Alex sustained a traumatic brain injury and lost both legs, most of his left hand and part of his right hand. His then-fiancée, Kim, wasn’t sure if he’d survive, let alone ev...
Today, women are serving in the military in record numbers, representing more than 16% of active-duty military and 10% of veterans. "We want to continue driving meaningful reform to ensure all veterans have equitable access to the benefits and services they have earned," said Joy J. Ilem, DAV’...
Jennifer Alvarado joined the Navy in 2001 to serve as a hospital corpsman. Unfortunately, Jennifer experienced military sexual trauma (MST) during her time of service, yet she tried her best to keep going. “The Navy instilled in me honor, courage and commitment. And, I don’t know how to move anywhere other than forward...
In 2003, Army veteran Mark Jackson deployed to Karshi-Khanabad Air Base (K2) in Uzbekistan. “The very first thing I write about is my throat and my eyes stinging from …...
On September 11, 2001, Carmen McGinnis enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. The events of that morning did not deter her. She proudly served her country in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.  "Unfortunately, my time in the service was marred by the dishonorable actions of another. I...
Home is meant to be a place of safety and rest.  Family and friends gather together, making memories during special occasions—birthdays, holidays, graduation celebrations or just for fun. But what happens when a family loses everything due to a disaster? For veterans who are disabled as a result of their military s...
Being far from home during the holidays can be hard on deployed service members. Missing out on the infectious spirit of the season and removed from festivities with friends and family can bring on the blues. Rhonda White was 24 years old when she first spent the holidays away from her family and loved ones. It was November 1990, and t...
With temperatures going down and holiday decorations going up, the end of the year will be here before we know it. And if you have a car or other vehicle no longer being used, the season of giving is the perfect time to donate your vehicle to support a cause you care about — like helping our nation’s veterans. 
Donating real estate to DAV (Disabled American Veterans) isn’t just an incredible way to give back to America’s veterans — it can also provide multiple financial benefits for you and your family. Here are three great tax deduction benefits for donating your property to DAV:  ●    Avoidanc...
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) supports more than 1 million veterans every year with free, life-changing services. When you donate a vehicle to DAV, you’re empowering our nation’s heroes to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. Your DAV car donation will provide resources to help veterans — like Marine Al Silva &m...
Navy veteran Ramona Ross-Bacon was a gunner’s mate who handled Tomahawk missiles, air-to-surface rockets and torpedoes during the Gulf War. While she was proud of her service, working on this powerful weaponry deeply troubled Ramona's moral conscience. “Don’t get me wrong, I continued to do my job. I didn&rsq...