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Sponsor a Field of Flags at a local school this Veterans Day

Field of Flags at Roland-Story Elementary School
Field of Flags at Roland-Story Elementary School

Ted Hammes, the brother of a Navy veteran, is passionate about educating future generations on the sacrifices made for our freedom. This passion led him to seek ways to get his local school, Roland-Story Elementary in Story City, Iowa, involved in giving back to ill and injured veterans. When he learned about DAV’s Field of Flags program, he knew he found the perfect opportunity.

Over the years, Hammes has noticed a lack of local news coverage of veteran issues, including why they are important to American communities. He saw DAV's Field of Flags program as a way to educate his local school on why honoring our nation’s heroes and their sacrifice is essential.  

"People don't understand the importance of the military. And if you get to talk to young kids and educate them, and they go home and talk to their mom and dad, it starts to become a good awareness program," said Hammes. 

When he first brought the idea to the school, Hammes was apprehensive about the response due to the school's busy schedule. However, administrators were more than happy to participate in the program. Hammes generously offered to sponsor the school with a donation to the DAV Field of Flags program to obtain a flag planting kit.  

"I had the team at DAV send the kit to me and then I just had to work with a couple of people in the school administration," he said. "The Field of Flags was a pretty easy program for me to take on, and it allowed me to do my part for the school." 

Once the kit arrived, Hammes and the school administration involved their 4th-grades students for the flag planting.  

"The kids were very attentive when I talked to them about the program. And when we went outside to plant the flags, it was a pretty rewarding experience," said Hammes. 

Hammes and the school administration staff are looking forward to this upcoming Veterans Day so they can get an even earlier start and get more of their students and community involved to raise more funds to help disabled veterans.  

If you would like to learn how you can sponsor a Field of Flag for a school, click here! 

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