Mission News Blog


The last time Lt. Col. Mike Hert heard Army Sgt. Adam Alexander’s voice, it was over a conference call from Paktia Province, Afghanistan.  “Adam said he had to go because they were under attack,” Mike recalls.  “I remember Mike saying keep your head down,” says Adam. It would be one of...
A complex chain of events often leads a veteran into homelessness. Service-related health conditions can result in unemployment that potentially invites substance abuse issues and financial or legal struggles, ultimately leaving the veteran unable to afford housing and creating a cycle that’s difficult to break. However, a single...
DAV has partnered with the upcoming film, God Bless The Broken Road, to launch the #BlessAVet campaign. A portion of the proceeds from the movie will benefit DAV. The film combines elements of faith, country music, and race car driving while paying tribute to those who serve in the United States Armed Forces and star...
“If it wasn’t for DAV…” Vietnam veteran pays it forward, helping other veterans get benefits they earned The year was 1966, and 19-year-old Jim Daugharty had a good job with a local drapery company making, as he said, “pretty good dollars,” when he received his draft notice....
Sara M. Gardner, who has spent more than 600 hours spanning a five-year period volunteering at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks in Fayetteville, Ark., has been awarded $20,000 by DAV to pursue her educational goal of becoming an attorney serving veterans. The 18-year-old is the top recipient of the Jesse Brown Memorial You...
Texas native Callie Rios was named the Outstanding Disabled Veteran of the Year at the DAV and DAV Auxiliary 97th National Convention in July. In 2002, Rios enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 18. The single mother was seeking a better future for her child. When she joined the military, Rios took an oath to defend her country and was prep...